State Awards for 2021-2022
Congratulations to the winners of our 2021-2022 state awards!
ENF Per Capita Contributions - PSP Bill Meyer presenting
- Membership under 201: Stillwater Lodge #179
- Membership 201-450: Rochester Lodge #1091
- Membership 450+: Owatonna Lodge #1395
Gain in Membership - Jeff Martin presenting
- Membership under 201: Fergus Falls #1093
- Membership 201-450: Worthington Lodge #2287
- Membership 450+: Alexandria Lodge #1685
Penny A Day Contributions - North District President Becky Radika presenting
- Membership under 201: St Cloud Lodge #2843
- Membership 201-450: Eveleth Lodge #1161
- Membership 450+: Alexandria Lodge #1685
Special State President Awards - State President John Jennings Presenting
- Positivity Award: Red Wing Lodge #845: This was awarded to Red Wing because I just don't hear anyone complaining about anything that goes on at their Lodge. If they have a complaint, they must do it the right way and air it in a meeting where it is then handled. The Members, guests, Officers and ANYONE else I talk to about Red Wing Lodge are all very complimentary. Clearly they are "Choosing Happy."
- Passion Award: International Falls Lodge #1599 (no photo): This was given to International Falls Lodge because of their passion for our Youth Camp. Obviously that award could be given to so many when it comes to our camp, but the fact that they send so many people down and get so much work done before any of the rest of us step foot on the property deserves accolades. International Falls Lodge has been doing this for years and years. The least I could do was recognize their passion for our Crown Jewel.
- Power: Worthington Lodge #2287 (no photo): There is something going on at Worthington Lodge that is very special. Exalted Ruler David and the Members of Worthington Lodge are getting noticed by others in their community. Powerful facts about The Elks are being told to guests enthusiastically and they are becoming brothers and sisters of our Order. The average age is going down rapidly and people are figuring out that volunteering for charitable acts is a lot of fun.
- Patriotism Award: Hopkins Lodge #2221: Throughout my year as State President, there were many touching feel good moments that involved Veterans. One was the "Welcome Home Veteran's" kit that Sybil and I got to help deliver with the assistance of Members of Hopkins Lodge. The load on was like a well oiled machine where we got to see the process that Hopkins uses to assemble the perfect kit of items. The Veteran that we delivered them to was so genuinely thankful that he broke down in tears and vowed to become an Elk Member when he was able. But when he said "no one has ever done anything like this for me," that was the hook I needed to hear. We oftentimes forget how much we (Elks) impact others lives. It's just what we do, and we don't do it for recognition. It was time to recognize Hopkins for over 700 of these kits and the Veterans that they have helped.