Lodges / Officers
This area contains information pertaining to the Local Lodges and State Officers within the Minnesota Elks State Association. It also highlights key contributors past and present.
- Local Lodges: There are 25 lodges located throughout the state of Minnesota divided among four districts.
- State Officers: Lists the current state and Grand Lodge officers both elected and appointed
- State Elk of the Year: Identifies prior recipients of the State Elk of the Year award - those making significant contributions within the state Elks
- Veteran Volunteer(s) of the Year: Identifies prior recipients of the Veteran Volunteer of the Year Award - serving our nation's veterans in a meaningful way
- Camper(s) of the Year: Identifies prior recipients of the Camper of the Year Award - those making significant contributions to our State Project the MN Elks Youth Camp
- Past State Presidents: List of the previous MN Elks Association state presidents including year served and their motto