Past State President - Lynn Rohlf

From State President Lynn Rohlf: "Rock the Boat"
The 108th Annual Minnesota Elks Association State Convention just wrapped up in Hibbing, Minnesota, on Saturday, June 23, 2012. What a great convention!
Hailing from Duluth Elks Lodge #133 and the North District, it was very special to be installed in my "Home District - The North!" The show of support from my family and friends, Duluth Elks Lodge #133 Past Exalted Rulers and spouses, Duluth Elks Lodge #133 members and spouses, and the great Elks of Minnesota was phenomenal!If you missed it - What A Party! The reception at the Algonquin Club was a first class show hosted by the PER's of my home lodge. Even the flood of June 20, 2012, did not deter. They truly showed that they can: "Rock The Boat!"
Please take a moment to check out the new 2012-2013 State Officers on our newly redesigned MN Elks Web Site. Thanks to our Webmaster Gretchen Peterson for this incredibly new look!
Many great things are happening with the Minnesota Elks. With the overwhelming support of the Minnesota Elks, I believe that we will continue to do great things during my term. The District Presidents that accompany me are: George (Tammy Prior) Lehn, Neil (Tammy) Johnson, Dick (Judy) Ledebuhr, and Butch (Diane) Blight. They make a fabulous crew.
A brief overview of my slate for the coming year is as follows:
We have far too many Elk members in our home lodges who don't know who we are and what we do. My challenge to those of you who "get it" and know who we are and what we do is to find someone in your home lodge and make them "get it." How can they ask someone to join if they don't know who we are or what we do. Everyone realizes that increased membership is vital to the survival of our Association.
In closing, as I stated in Hibbing, I will do my best to serve in this capacity as your State President. One thing you need to know about me is that I do not usually do anything half-assed. And, I never have been and never will be afraid to - ROCK THE BOAT!
I must float (bounce, get it) as I'm off to Austin, Texas, with the rest of the Minnesota Elks to attend the Grand Lodge Convention. Stay tuned as I will be keeping you posted of my travels across the Great State Of Minnesota in the coming months . . .
The 108th Annual Minnesota Elks Association State Convention just wrapped up in Hibbing, Minnesota, on Saturday, June 23, 2012. What a great convention!
Hailing from Duluth Elks Lodge #133 and the North District, it was very special to be installed in my "Home District - The North!" The show of support from my family and friends, Duluth Elks Lodge #133 Past Exalted Rulers and spouses, Duluth Elks Lodge #133 members and spouses, and the great Elks of Minnesota was phenomenal!If you missed it - What A Party! The reception at the Algonquin Club was a first class show hosted by the PER's of my home lodge. Even the flood of June 20, 2012, did not deter. They truly showed that they can: "Rock The Boat!"
Please take a moment to check out the new 2012-2013 State Officers on our newly redesigned MN Elks Web Site. Thanks to our Webmaster Gretchen Peterson for this incredibly new look!
Many great things are happening with the Minnesota Elks. With the overwhelming support of the Minnesota Elks, I believe that we will continue to do great things during my term. The District Presidents that accompany me are: George (Tammy Prior) Lehn, Neil (Tammy) Johnson, Dick (Judy) Ledebuhr, and Butch (Diane) Blight. They make a fabulous crew.
A brief overview of my slate for the coming year is as follows:
- Make "the place to go" when looking for information.
- Improve communication from local lodge committees to district committees.
- Share what we are doing as Elks.
- Publicity - Who We Are and What We Do! Not only for the general public but for existing Elks members as well.
- Identify a core group of Elks to help local lodges when they find they are in trouble or just need some assistance.
- Membership - Retention, Recruitment, and Reinstatement
We have far too many Elk members in our home lodges who don't know who we are and what we do. My challenge to those of you who "get it" and know who we are and what we do is to find someone in your home lodge and make them "get it." How can they ask someone to join if they don't know who we are or what we do. Everyone realizes that increased membership is vital to the survival of our Association.
In closing, as I stated in Hibbing, I will do my best to serve in this capacity as your State President. One thing you need to know about me is that I do not usually do anything half-assed. And, I never have been and never will be afraid to - ROCK THE BOAT!
I must float (bounce, get it) as I'm off to Austin, Texas, with the rest of the Minnesota Elks to attend the Grand Lodge Convention. Stay tuned as I will be keeping you posted of my travels across the Great State Of Minnesota in the coming months . . .