On The Road With State President George Lehn
![]() Making Memories The Finale!
Greetings Fellow Minnesota Elks! As I write this article knowing that it will be my last installment, I feel like I have lost a year. It seems like only yesterday that I was installed as the MN Elks State Association President. April started off with a visit to our northernmost Lodge, International Falls, for their Installation Ceremony. It was well conducted and Exalted Ruler Chuck Corrin pasted out many awards to very deserving Elk Members. Tammy and I had a fabulous dinner after cooked by Krazy Thompson and his crew. It was very well done and was enjoyed by all. On Tuesday May 6 I had the privilege of attending the kick off banquet for the annual Veterans Turkey Hunt at Camp Ripley. Tom Kramin was able to secure someone from the National Elks Magazine to attend also which is a feather in his hat since the magazine normally doesn’t send its’ people out on assignments. Former Vikings Coach Bud Grant was in attendance and gave a most heartwarming speech about the difference between sports heroes and Veteran Heroes. Two days later Tammy and I visited Brainerd Lodge for their Annual Scholarship Banquet. There was a great turnout and Miss Minnesota; Rebecca Yeh gave a great speech on achieving your goals. She is from the Brainerd area and I thought it was great that she would take time out of her busy schedule to address the Students of the Month and Scholarship winners. The next day was Youth Camp Opening and all the duties that come with it. Of course the weather didn’t cooperate and leaves were still getting raked and picked up on Saturday morning. My hat goes off to John Miller and his crew for being able to get so much accomplished in a short period of time. Also to the ladies that come up to camp the following weekend to make sure the cabins are so nicely cleaned up and made ready for the Camping Year. As May closes out I find myself with only 1 visit left. I will be traveling to Winona the week before the State Convention in Faribault. I'm sure it will be as memorable as the other 24 visits Tammy and I made in 2013 – 2014. The next weekend will be the State convention and I will be conducting my last meeting and turning the reins over to Neil Johnson for 2014-2015. I hope everyone will give him the respect that they showed Tammy and I this last year. Like I said at the beginning of this post it seems like I just took over and don't know where the time has gone. I feel like I haven’t really done anything, and that is because of all you great Elks. The Trustees, District Presidents, Appointed Officers, Elected Officers and Committee chairs and members that have stepped up the make sure Elkdom abounds in Minnesota. You have all made me look good and as all of the State Presidents before me already know it's because of the members that our great order will continue to foster forever. As I close please remember to demonstrate that we are "Minnesota Elks – Making Memories". Thank You , Respectfully George Lehn Minnesota Elks State Association President |
George's Travel Logs
June Thru November, 2013 December/January, 2014 February/ March, 2014 Finale, 2014 |